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Seismic Supreme Court Ruling Set to Sink Deep State

On June 28, 2024, the United States Supreme Court ruled to overturn a 40 year old doctrine known as the “Chevron Deference”.  Hello again, it’s Rocketman, Ken Baxter here coming to you from sunny Las Vegas, Nevada and thanks for stopping by!

This ruling did not get the attention it deserved in the news cycle, but the right people are absolutely panicked by this decision and their tears are so sweet. What exactly is the “Chevron Deference”? Basically, when an existing statute was ambiguous on a specific issue, the Chevron doctrine gave carte blanche to unelected bureaucrats within federal agencies to interpret the laws and decide the best ways to apply them. Of course, this involved creating new rules and regulations (an average of 500 per each new bill) and expanding or creating new agencies to wield this power. Some say this doctrine, passed in 1984 with little fanfare has become the most cited, and twisted decision in the court’s history…over 18,000 times! It is credited with creating the bloated and increasingly restrictive group of government agencies, including the EPA, FDA, OSHA, Department of Education, offshoots of the Department of Agriculture, and others drunk on the power of the consequences of created by the decision. 

How It Started

The beginning of the fall of mighty and powerful is due to a lawsuit filed by a New Jersey fishing company, Loper Bright Enterprises, in an argument over the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSFCM) and the ridiculous interpretations of “the experts” at the  National Marine Fisheries Service. This agency, required the herring industry to have government observers aboard to monitor what they caught in their nets other than the targeted catch and discourage overfishing. Incredibly the fishing industry had to pay for the cost of having those government watchdogs aboard, about $700 per day. In 2020, Loper Bright argued that the act did not specifically call for monitors on the boats and the case made its way to the Supreme Courts. The intention of the original act, passed in the 70’s, was to monitor foreign fisheries operating within 200 miles of American shores. Using the powers of  the so-called  “experts” granted in the Chevron, bureaucrats additionally began focusing on American fisheries imposing oppressive environmental regulations such as the need for on board inspectors.

On June 28, 2024 the decision came from the Supreme Court overruling the Chevron doctrine, causing a meltdown of left leaning mainstream media as the implications began to set in. The ruling does not immediately undo or dismantle decades of  expanding government and deep state control but the writing is on the wall.

Most importantly, when Donald Trump returns to office in January of 2025, this landmark decision will make it easier for him to tell thousands of useless, unelected bureaucrats, drunk on their power – “You’re Fired!”  It’s about time. 

Ken Baxter, signing off and thank you again for stopping by.  Don’t forget to visit,  Green Global and for additional updates, and I hope to see you again real soon! 

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